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Feng Shui War

Feng Shui War scrap



  • Author

    Kim Jin-myung김진명

  • Publisher


  • Year Published


  • Category

    Literary Fiction 순수소설

  • Target User

    Adult 성인

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

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Description 작품 소개

The first new novel after 2 years by Kim Jin-myeong, the author of a million-seller title A mysterious message addressed to the President. “Na-yi-pa yi-han-pil-be” Who is behind the curse on the Republic of Korea? The history once forgotten, the land once lost Population cliff that will wipe out the nation. All keywords point in one direction – Lift the curse that is suffocating the Republic of Korea! Feng Shui War by the million-seller author Kim Jin-myeong, the first new work published after 2 years. A mysterious message is delivered to the President of the Republic of Korea one day. Eun-ha-soo, an administrator working in the presidential office, is given orders to track down the message. However, the message – which claims to “fulfill the prophecy of a curse” – proves elusive, no matter how hard En-ha-soo tries. When even the experts across different domains fail to provide an answer, Eun-ha-soo remembers Hyeong-yeon, a college classmate and a voracious reader who sought to read every book in the world instead of studying for their major. While tracking down the meaning of the message, Hyeong-yeon takes Eun-ha-soo to a shaman’s house to look for clues. Eun-ha-soo remains skeptical as they meet with a shaman, monk, and feng shui practitioner, but all to no avail. Eun-ha-soo starts to feel uncomfortable with Hyeong-yeon’s unscientific approach to addressing an important matter. But ironically, it is the evidence provided by Hyeong-yeon that eventually leads the two of them to the answer. The story behind the curse, directed at the President, and by extension, the entire country, forces readers to confront something unexpected. A history shrunken and manipulated by Japan and land once lost – what is the curse over Korea’s past and future? Everyone is shocked as the hidden truth slowly surfaces and a series of intertwined events that emerge in the final journey towards solving the curse would not let go of Eun-ha-soo and Hyeong-yeon that easily…… Korea and Japan – two nations that are both far and near. Two countries that stand somewhere between the past of hardships and the future of friendship! Will we be able to forgive them? Are they ready to stand by our side? “No one would like it when you throw a stone into a calm lake. They would ask why you’re ruining the tranquility, why you’re refusing to go by quietly. But someone has to continue living like this. Someone has to continue throwing that stone.” Reference: Support from Eta-books.

Author Bio 작가 소개

Since Kim Jinmyung published his iconic first novel, The Rose of Sharon Blooms Again, every subsequent book he has released has become a bestseller. Seamlessly navigating between reality and fiction, he incisively unravels the profound mysteries of the eras on which each of his books is based. He sheds light on Japan and China's distortion of Korean history with meticulous force, consistently revealing a deep love for Korea throughout his works. Those who read his books can instantly understand why his novels receive such rave reviews and high acclaim.

Translator`s Expectations 기대평

There are no expectations.

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