한국문학번역원 로고


Kim Yang-shik

Kim Yang-shik scrap


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    Adult 성인

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    Contemporary 현대

Author Bio 작가 소개

Kim Yang-shik (1931-) is a South Korean poet. She made her literary debut in 1969 when her poem “Pulkkochi doeeo pullipi doeeo” (풀꽃이 되어 풀잎이 되어 To Be a Flower, a Blade of Grass) was published in the magazine Wolgan Munhak. Her first poetry collection Jeongeuphusa (정읍후사 Poems on Jeongeup) was published in 1971. Kim’s poems were initially themed around the love and sorrow of Korean women but later on, they came to be more influenced by Indian philosophy.

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