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#Bestseller #Mystery #Fantasy

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Updated: 2022-10-20

  • Posted by Changbi Publishers, Inc. on 2022-10-20
  • Updated by Changbi Publishers, Inc. on 2024-09-25
  • Updated by Changbi Publishers, Inc. on 2024-09-25
  • Updated by Changbi Publishers, Inc. on 2024-09-25
  • Updated by Changbi Publishers, Inc. on 2024-09-26
  • Updated by Changbi Publishers, Inc. on 2024-11-20
  • Updated by Changbi Publishers, Inc. on 2024-11-20
  • Updated by Changbi Publishers, Inc. on 2024-11-22
  • Updated by Changbi Publishers, Inc. on 2024-12-12
  • Updated by Changbi Publishers, Inc. on 2024-12-12

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Description 작품 소개

Bestseller with over 500,000 copies sold Wizard Bakery, where the dangerous wishes come true Since its first print in 2009, Gu Byeong-mo’s THE WIZARD BAKERY has enthralled over 500,000 Korean readers as well as translated into 9 different languages including Spanish (Mexico), France, Thailand and more. Magical stories unravel at a peculiar “Wizard Bakery,” where a boy who escaped his family sheltered himself. A sixteen-year-old boy with a stutter, “I,” escapes from his family and sneaks into Wizard Bakery out of desperation. He then encounters a marvelous world of magic in the oven at the bakery he frequented. What seemed to be a normal bakery was in fact, a bakery owned by a wizard, making “bread of magic” that would make people’s wishes come true with a single bite. Reconcile with the person you want to apologize to with “Making Peace Raisin Scone;” get a doppelganger to send to school or work with “Doppelganger Financier.” At Wizard Bakery where one’s wildest wishes get realized with bread, the boy finds comfort. However, as the police investigation on Wizard Bakery launches, the time to go back to reality approaches……

Author Bio 작가 소개

Gu Byeong-mo is known as an author that moves freely between the genre and techniques of fantasy and the style of traditional realism. Throughout her career, she has either depicted the fantasies of daily life or intermixed fantasy with daily life. Her light-hearted fantasy stories, in which magicians appear, people transform, and time runs backwards, also carry the shocking weight of issues like incest, child abuse, and filicide.

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