This novel by Han Kang was published in 2011. It tells the story of a man and a woman, both of whom have past trauma in their lives. With delicate prose, the author depicts two isolated and lonely people who learn to comfort each other in various ways in a language that has no practical function in their lives.
The works of Han Kang have been enthusiastically received by both critics and readers alike for their profound exploration of human nature through the author’s delicate yet powerful writing style.
한강의 초기 작품들은 주로 불행한 가족사나 트라우마와 같은 개인의 문제에 집중되어 있다. 그러나 2014년에 출간한 장편소설 《소년이 온다》 이후 작가의 관점이 역사적 사건으로 확장되었다.
There are no expectations.