This novel unfolds within Yeonnamdong Binggul Binggul Ppallaebang, a 24-hour self-laundromat nestled in a corner of Yeonnamdong, Seoul. It unravels the stories of neighbors navigating life’s hardships with a warm and affectionate tone to vividly portray their moments of joy and sorrow.From an elderly man living alone with his Jindo dog to a woman grappling with postnatal depression and the challenges of motherhood, a young busker performing on an empty street, an aspiring drama writer, a survivor of dating violence, a “wild goose dad” separated from his son abroad, and a young man scarred by the loss of his family to voice phishing scams—each one finds their way to the laundromat. Here, they unburden their souls by writing down their troubles in a green diary resting on a table. This mysterious diary possesses an inexplicable power, coaxing forth the true emotions of those who write within it. As one person pours their heart onto its pages, another responds with comments of heartfelt comfort.Indeed, as the saying goes, sharing joy can double its delight, and sharing sorrow can halve its burden. Discussing one’s troubles alone has a way of lightening the load, and their wounded hearts are filled with words of care, courage, and hope. In this manner, customers leave the laundromat not only with freshly cleaned laundry but also with a sense of relief, as they cleanse their stained emotions and refresh their weary minds.As a tapestry of diverse emotions and stories weaves together, this unassuming place, where everyday people come and go, transforms into a small refuge for weary souls. Yet, one day, a man who appears to be the owner of the diary arrives at the laundromat to retrieve it. Upon learning his story, the neighbors who have found comfort in the diary come together to help him…In an era marked by a growing desire for authentic human connections, these stories center around relationships and solace, providing a profound sense of warmth and humanity akin to unpolished yet genuine handwriting.
There are no expectations.