Description 작품 소개
A high school suddenly overrun by a virus... A horror school blockbuster that will make your blood run cold! Trapped in a broadcast room, teachers and students search for a way out. Mijin joins the archery-playing Minjae and Hari siblings. As they struggle to survive in their hiding place, the government mobilizes elite soldiers to save lives. Meanwhile, Detective Lee Jae-yong, who lost a colleague to the virus, heads to the police station to meet with Dr. Lee Byung-chan, along with the man who saved his life... Can they stop the spread of the mysterious virus?
Author Bio 작가 소개
Born August 23, 1983.
As a college student, he was shocked by the movies 'Curse of the New Dawn' and '28 Days Later' and wished there was a Korean zombie movie. He drew his first webtoon, 'All of Us Are Dead', with the hope of making the most Korean zombie movie that fits our sentiment. He is currently working as a webtoon artist with various works.
1983년 8월 23일생.
대학생 시절 영화 〈새벽의 저주〉 〈28일 후〉를 접하며 신선한 충격을 받았고 한국식 좀비물이 하나 있으면 좋겠다는 생각이 들었다. ‘우리 정서에 맞는 가장 한국적인 좀비물’이라는 소망을 담아 첫번째 웹툰 「지금 우리 학교는」을 그렸다. 현재 다양한 작품을 그리며 웹툰 작가로 활동하고 있다.
There are no expectations.