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Translation and Publication Grants for Overseas Publishers

2024 Translation and Publication Grants for Overseas Publishers Program 3rd Cycle Application Results

2024년도 3분기 해외출판사 번역출판 지원사업 심사결과


A total of 51 books submitted by 47 publishers in 17 different languages have been selected to receive grant in the 3rd cycle of the 2024 Translation and Publication Grants for Overseas Publishers Program.

Selection Results by Language

English (7), French (1), German (2), Spanish (6), Russian (2), Chinese (Simplified) (1), Japanese (12), Greek (1), Danish (1), Vietnamese (2), Ukrainian (2), Italian (2), Indonesian (3), Catalan (1), Portuguese (2), Polish (5), Finnish (1)

Selection Results by Genre

Fiction (29), Poetry (4), Humanities and social sciences (7), Young Adult literature (5), Graphic novel/Webtoon (6)
