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The 'Attitude' Embodied and Performed by Literature
Rising Above the Scars of History
New Releases
New books published in September and October in time for the season of deep thoughts
Summer's Last Hurrah: New Book Releases for July and August
May-June New Releases: Sustaining, Connecting, Moving Forward
March-April New Releases: Journeys into the Depths of the Human Psyche
The Pulse of Korean Literature: New and Timeless Releases for January-February
Best Sellers
Korean literature boom: 2024's best-selling books!
Timeless Values and Power of Prose Shine Through in Q3 2024 Bestsellers
The wind that moves minds of readers around the world: Korean literature bestsellers for the second quarter of 2024
Comfort Meets Cool: Q1 2024 Bestsellers from Korea
Soul-soothing “healing novels” continue driving immense popularity! Meet the best-selling Korean novels of the second quarter full of healing magic.
Introducing KLWAVE's Bestsellers of the 1st Quarter!
[HONG KONG]New Korean books in English to look forward to in 2025, from historical fiction to fantasy
[UNITED STATES]Han Kang Talks About Her Jeju Book, ‘We Do Not Part”
[JAPAN]ハン・ガンがノーベル文学賞を受賞した今読みたい! 水死体あり、ゾンビあり、ストーカーありの「圧倒的に怖い」韓国ホラー小説
[UNITED KINGDOM]We Have Arrived: Anton Hur on Han Kang’s Nobel Win
[POLAND]Program wykładów na temat literatury koreańskiej na Festiwalu Literatury Azjatyckiej
2024-11-16 ~ 2024-11-17
Record of the Virtue of Queen Inhyeon, Lady Min
Record of the Virtue of Queen Inhyeon, Lady Min
The Tale of Lady Pak