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Lee Dong-ha이동하
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Literary Fiction 소설
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Contemporary 현대
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Description 작품 소개
A Toy City is a novel by Yi Tong-Ha (alternatively Lee Dong-ha) that was originally published in three parts: “A Toy City” (1979) in the literary magazine Shindong-a; “The Hungry Soul” (1980) in Korean Literature; and “Time of Judas” (1982) in Literature & Thought. Episodic in nature, the three volumes consist of nineteen, seventeen and sixteen short episodes respectively. Written entirely from the point of view of a young boy, Toy Story deals with his encounters with poverty, hunger, and death in the city, where he is forced to move by war and ideological conflict. The novel is regarded by critics as a vivid depiction of the miseries of post-war life in the city.
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