Description 작품 소개
An Interview at the Morgue
I wake up to the alarm beeping on my phone in a morgue. Yesterday morning, I had
a job interview with a company called Post-mortem Clean Center for a position that
sorts out belongings of the deceased. That interview has brought me to this morgue.
The boss was tired of people quitting after a day or two saying that looking at dead
people is a dreadful work. So, he had me spend a night in a morgue with the corpse
of a homeless person. After passing the test, I got a job of organizing belongings of
the dead. However, there is more: I see ghosts.
The Past Catches Up
My precious full-time job abruptly ended when the boss ran off with a gold bar found
among a dead woman’s belongings. It was found under the bed of an old lady who
died all alone. So just after two weeks, I am unemployed once again. However, I
started my own business with the clueless Kim Jeong-gyu, a guy that I used to work
with at the Center.
The work turns out to be full of drama, and it even takes me back into my past
that I have forgotten for a long time. The primary incident was my encounter with
Detective Kang Dong-cheol who is my childhood friend. However, after a short while,
he committed suicide. He brought back terrible memories of my grandparents who
killed themselves with cyanide. As if that was not enough, Detective Kang’s daughter
Bora visited me only to shake up my memories from the past.
Unsolved Riddles that Must be Solved
I ended up becoming the boss of this strange place named, Mr.Lee’s Post-mortem Clean
center with the aid of my friend Jeong-gyu. I listen to the stories the spirits are trying to
tell and organize the belongings that used to belong to them. And through death, I learn
about life and realized life could be grinding, secretive, lonely and sad. Meanwhile, Bora
keeps insisting that her father’s death is not a suicide and I found a piece of evidence that
proves that she is right. I also find reasons to suspect that his death is somehow related to
the deaths of my grandparents. Why were my grandparents murdered? Why did Dong-cheol die? Who killed him? What
do the ghosts want from me? What can I do for them?
Author Bio 작가 소개
Kwon Jeonghui studied mechanical engineering at university. Her writing career began when she won in the poetry category at the Annual Spring Literary Contest in Korea. She contributed as a story writer for a Naver webtoon titled Jangmiapateu Gonggyeongbi (Janitor Gong of Rose Apartment). She also authored Yiseondong Keulinsenteo (Mr. Lee Clean Center), a human drama novel that received the first prize at the KOCCA Korea Story Contest. This novel was translated and published in Indonesia and Taiwan and adapted into a musical with the same title, receiving immense love.
대학에서 기계공학을 전공했다. 신춘문예 시 부문에 등단해 작품 활동을 시작했다. 네이버 웹툰 「장미아파트 공경비」의 스토리 작가로 참여했으며, 출간 도서로는 한국콘텐츠진흥원 스토리공모대전에서 최우수상을 수상한 『이선동 클린센터』가 있다. 휴머니즘 소설 『이선동 클린센터』는 인도네시아, 대만에서 번역 출간되었으며 동명의 뮤지컬로 제작되어 많은 사랑을 받았다.
There are no expectations.