Description 작품 소개
The Witness Who Cannot Testify
When Eun-chong was 5, he lost his father in an accident and became autistic. One
day, he happened to witness a serial murder. As an autistic boy, Eun-chong could
not testify and thus the case did not draw much public attention. Six months after the
murders, his older sister, Eun-hye, sees his signal for help on an SNS video. Thinking
that Eun-chong is in danger, she immediately goes home.
A Stranger is Living in My House!
Eun-hye plans to relax at home for a few days, but many strange things happen in the
house. A strange man is hanging around the house, and the position of objects is keep
changing while the family is gone. Eun-hye checks the CCTV at a convenience store
near her house and finds that only one person visited the house who turns out to be
the internet service engineer. She suddenly gets goose bumps because the recorded
video shows him entering the house, but she never sees him leaving. Eun-hye realizes
that her family has been living with this strange man for a whole week!
The True Identity of the Intruder, A Diary Full of Codes
Eun-hye faints when she was attacked by the stranger, and Eun-chong and her mother
get kidnapped. After Eun-hye regains consciousness, she starts gathering clues to
save her mother and younger brother. Eun-hye finds Eun-chong’s diary by chance, and
it contains all the information about the killer and the murder case that he witnessed.
The only problem is that everything is written in mysterious codes. Eun-hye tries to find
a way to decode them.
Surprising Secrets Told Silently By the Mute Boy
By reading the diary of Eun-chong, Eun-hye learns that he had a hard time struggling with
the killer. He uses the Marvel characters to show who was on his side and who was on
the killer’s side. Eun-chong is expressed as the Iron Man, Eun-hye as the Hulk, and the
killer as Captain America. Through the hard process of finding the killer, she can finally
understand Eun-chong’s unique way of expressing things. With Eun-hye’s help, Eunchong
overcomes the guilt which made him believe that he caused his father’s death.
Author Bio 작가 소개
Lee Chanyoung is a screenwriter and novelist known for his versatility across various genres, including thriller, comedy, horror, and human drama. His works have garnered attention for their imaginative storytelling. He has written and dramatized numerous scenarios, such as Korean films Bandeusi Jamneunda (The Chase) and Han Beondo An Haebon Yeoja (Virgin Theory: 7 Steps to Get on Top). He also contributed to an episode titled “The Masked Ghost” in the famous Korean horror drama Jeonseolui Gohyang (Hometown Legends) and wrote a script for a preschool animation Barnacle Lou. Lee’s scenario Madonnaga Watda (Madonna Has Come) won the Gyeongbuk Video Content Scenario Contest, and Meiking Miseuteo Pol Pocheu (Making Mister Paul Potts) was selected for Screenwriters Pann. His short story, Neomu Hannajui Horeo (Too Horrifying in Broad Daylight), was featured in Metaverse Genre Literature Award Recipient Collection 2: Wish You Luck. Furthermore, his full-length novel Piteo Raebit Jugigi (Killing Peter Rabbit) has been translated and published in Taiwan and Thailand and is set for adaptation.
시나리오 작가이자 소설 작가로 스릴러에서 코미디, 호러, 휴먼까지 다양한 장르의 작품들을 진행해오면서 장르적인 상상력이 뛰어난 작가로 두각을 드러냈다. 영화 <반드시 잡는다>, <한 번도 안 해본 여자> 등 많은 작품의 시나리오를 집필하고 각색했으며, KBS <전설의 고향 - 가면귀>를 집필하고 EBS 애니메이션 <따개비 루>의 극본을 쓰기도 했다. 경북영상콘텐츠 공모전에서 <마돈나가 왔다>로 수상했고, 스크린라이터스 판에 <메이킹 미스터 폴포츠>가 당선되었다. 장편소설 『피터 래빗 죽이기』를 출간하고 『메타버스 장르문학상 수상작품집 2: 행운을 빌어요』에 「너무 한낮의 호러」를 수록했다. 『피터 래빗 죽이기』는 영상화 계약을 맺었으며 대만, 태국에서 번역 출간되었다.
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