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Updated: 2024-08-26
- Posted by Kyobobook on 2024-08-26
- Updated by Kyobobook on 2024-11-29
- Updated by Kyobobook on 2024-11-29
- Updated by Kyobobook on 2024-11-29
- Updated by Kyobobook on 2024-11-29
Description 작품 소개
Even the moment of saying goodbye was lovely.
The most special imaginary world where your pet's last wish comes true!
Even the moment of saying goodbye was lovely.
The most special imaginary world where your pet's last wish comes true
7 days for pets to stay in this world as spirits.
After their last wish is fulfilled, they can happily leave for the heavenly realm.
Lara has been chosen to fulfill the wishes of pets.
If Lara can get the animals to the heavens in peace, the witch will grant Lara's wish.
Whatever it is, it must be granted.
A white rabbit becomes a whipped cream cherry muffin, and a bronze tabby cat becomes a yellow chestnut bread, waiting for her companion to find her.
“Before the day is gone, eat your bread and go to sleep.
Your long-awaited pet will come to you in your dreams.”
Lara, the Witch, and the Cute Journey of Animal Spirits
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
Author Bio 작가 소개
There are no expectations.