Translator Bio 번역가 소개
Eun-Gwi Chung, Professor in the Department of English Literature and Culture at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, Korea, specializes in twentieth-century poetry, cultural poetics, and translation. She got her Ph. D at Poetics Program, University at Buffalo (SUNY Buffalo) in 2005. Her books of publication from Korean into English include Bari’s Love Song (2019) (강은교 <바리연가집>), Fifteen Seconds without Sorrow (2016) (심보선 <슬픔이 없는 십오초>), and The Colors of Dawn: Twentieth-Century Korean Poetry (2016, 한국 근현대 시인 44명 모음집), and Ah, Mouthless Things (2017, 이성복 <아, 입이 없는 것들>). Her books of translation from English into Korean include Averno, Wild Iris by Louise Glück (2020 Nobel Prize winner in literature), Natasha Trethewey’s Native Guard, and Amanda Gorman’s Call Us What We Carry & William Carlos Williams: Selected Poems, 『꽃의 연약함이 공간을 관통한다』 『패터슨』, Christina Rossetti’s Goblin Market 『고블린 도깨비 시장』(2021), Anne Sexton’s selected poems 『밤엔 더 용감하지』(2020), etc. She has two essay collections 『바람이 부는 시간: 시와 함께』 (2019) and 『딸기 따러 가자: 고립과 불안을 견디게 할 지혜의 말』 (2022). As the recipient of a Fulbright senior research grant, she was the visiting professor at UC Berkeley in 2020. Now back in Seoul, Korea, she keeps walking on to be a good human being as a writer, translator, and professor. Since 2019, she also teaches at Translation Academy in LTI Korea. Her forthcoming book-projects of translation are Near/Miss by Charles Bernstein(the 2019 winner of the Bollingen Prize) into Korean and Hwang In Chan's poetry book Washing a Maya (구관조 씻기기) into English.