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Literary Fiction 소설
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She began her literary career in 2019 when she won the New Writer Award from Jaum and Moeum for her debut work.
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Works 작품
취미는 사생활
Hobby is Private Life
By Jang Jinyeong
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Yi Hyeon
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Son So-Hui
Son So-Hui (1917-1986) was a South Korean novelist. She graduated from Hankuk University of Foreign Studies in 1961 as an English major. She made her debut publishing poems including “Godok” (고독 Solitude) and “Bukgeugui Gaeul” (북극의 가을 The Arctic Autumn) in 1939 when she was a journalist of the Manseon Ilbo. Returning to Korea after Korean Independence in 1945, Son started her literary career publishing “Donggyeong” (동경 Admiration) in the Sinsedae. In 1949, she led publication of the Hyeseong as the chief editor. She mainly covered romance and ethnic awareness under Japanese Imperialism in her works, deepening the theme of women’s suffering through description of female psychology.
Kim Yi-sak
An ordinary citizen, translator, and novelist. Yi-sak Kim embarked on her literary career after receiving an excellence award at the Golden Bough’s 1st Urban Fantasy Contest. Kim holds a keen interest in history, women, mysterious events, and monstrous creatures, aiming to weave narratives that restore erased voices.