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[COLOMBIA]FILBO Feria Internacional Libro Bogotá 2024 scrap download

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FILBO Feria Internacional Libro Bogotá 2024

  • Organization


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  • Period

    2024-04-17 ~ 2024-05-02

  • Place

    Corferias, Bogotá, Colombia

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About Event

Since 1988, the Colombian Book Chamber and Corferias have organized the Bogotá International Book Fair, a successful alliance that has positioned this cultural event as one of the most important in the Spanish-speaking world. For 35 years, it has brought together all the players in the book chain (authors, publishers, editors, proofreaders, translators, distributors, agents and booksellers) who, together with their readers, make up this book ecosystem that grows and strengthens every year.

At FILBo 2024 we will dedicate the cultural and academic programming to the natural world and the alternative ways of life it proposes, at a time when humanity seems to need them. Plants, for example, favor silence and slowness, which is very similar to reading.

The world of fungi, minerals, animals - to which we belong despite the fact that we sometimes forget it - each has its own ways of inhabiting the planet, and we want to highlight them through books, reading and words, to contribute to the discussion on our own ways of relating to the environment.

In democracy, mankind has achieved a method of reconciliation with his fellow men; now it is vital to find a way to live in harmony with the other beings of the earth. For this reason, ·Lee la naturaleza· will be the programmatic theme of FILBo, the great annual event in Colombia with the paper garden that is the book.

* This event/activity has been partially funded by the International Exchange Grants from LTI Korea.  

En la FILBo 2024 dedicaremos la programación cultural y académica al mundo natural y a los modos de vida alternos que este propone, en un momento en el que la humanidad parece necesitarlos. Las plantas, por ejemplo, son partidarias del silencio y la lentitud, como la lectura.

El mundo de los hongos, de los minerales, de los animales –al que pertenecemos pese a que en ocasiones lo olvidamos–, cada uno tiene sus maneras de habitar el planeta, y queremos ponerlas en relieve desde los libros, la lectura y la palabra, para aportar a la discusión sobre nuestras propias formas de relacionarnos con el entorno.

El ser humano logró en la democracia un método de conciliación con sus semejantes; ahora es necesario –vital– encontrar una manera de cohabitar en armonía con los demás seres de la Tierra. Por eso, Lee la naturaleza será el tema programático de la FILBo, la gran cita anual en Colombia con ese jardín de papel que es el libro.