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Park Min-gyu박민규
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Literary Fiction 소설
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Adult 성인
Contemporary 현대
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Description 작품 소개
This collection of short stories by Park Min gyu was published in 2005. It contains ten short stories, originally published in literary magazines, that were selected from among thirty stories written by the author between the summer of 2003 and the spring of 2005. It includes the short stories “Thank you, it’s really a raccoon,” “Please Go ‘Ah,’ Pelican,” “Ajumma Yakult,” and “Sojourn at Gabeul Goshiwon.” Through his zany stories about noisy refrigerators, space travel on a bus, and a high school student-turned-subway “pushman,” the author delivers a critique of capitalism, as well as affection for the downtrodden.
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