Description 작품 소개
“I’m here to fetch your soul.”
The new novel by Lee Hee-young, author of PAINT that sold 300,000 copies in Korea Reminiscent of the charm of K-Young Adult classics such as ALMOND and THE WIZARD BAKERY
After losing consciousness following a minor bus accident, Suri and Ryu awaken to the call of an unknown man. When they open their eyes, they find themselves in the emergency room, but they notice people around them acting strange, not answering their questions. When Suri and Ryu finally turn their gaze to what everyone else is looking at, they’re shocked to find themselves lying unconscious on hospital beds. Introducing himself as Sunryeong' the Soul Hunter, the unknown man tells Suri and Ryu, “You’re not entirely dead. It’s just that your body and soul have separated.” If they don’t reclaim their bodies within a week, Sunryeong warns to the horror of Suri and Ryu, the two will have to follow him to the land of the dead···
Author Bio 작가 소개
Lee hee young is a writer of YAfiction. She debuted as a writer in 2013 by winning the 1st Kim SeungokLiterary Award for New Writers. The following year, she was awarded the May 18Literary Prize for Fiction. Her first novel, Summer Summer Vacation, waspublished in 2017. She then went on to win two major prizes in 2018—the 12thChangbi YA Literature Prize (for Paint), and the 1st Brit G RomanceThriller Prize (for Who Are You?). She has published Ordinary Sunset,Why Are You Following Me? (co-authored), and Second Ending(co-authored).
청소년소설 작가이며, 2013년 제1회 김승옥문학상신인상을 통해 등단하였다. 다음해인 2014년 5.18 문학상 소설부문을 수상하였으며, 2017년 첫 청소년 장편소설『썸머썸머 베케이션』을 출간하였다. 『페인트』로 2018년제12회 창비 청소년문학상을 수상했으며, 같은 해 『너는누구니』로 제1회 브릿G로맨스릴러 공모전 대상을 수상했다. 저서로는 『보통의 노을』, 『왜 자꾸 나만 따라와(공저)』, 『두번째 엔딩(공저)』등이 있다.
There are no expectations.