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Hwang Seok-young's Mater 2-10 is a novel that spans the lives of workers from the Japanese colonial period, before and after liberation, and into the 21st century. It centers on the stories of three generations of railroad workers, leading up to Lee Il-cheol and Lee Ji-san, and Lee's great-grandson, Lee Jin-oh, a factory worker who is currently on a sit-in.
The eldest of Lee's sons, Lee Il-cheol, followed in his father's footsteps and became a Korean railroad worker, but his younger brother, Lee Yi-chul, was fired from the railroad workshop and became a factory worker and an independent activist before being imprisoned. The story of the brothers is richly developed as they interact with the labor movement and independence movement during the Japanese occupation. In addition, the story of Lee Jin-oh, a laid-off worker who climbs up the chimney of a power plant 16 stories above his apartment building and contemplates the meaning of his life, represents the lives of Korean workers who have struggled and shaped the country's modern history.
Mater 2-10 is a work that brings comfort and pride to the Korean workers as they discover the roots of the workers who have supported Korea.
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