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Best-selling author of the million seller ALMOND Son Won-pyung’s splendid new book
A message of encouragement addressed to all livesTUBE is the newest novel by Son Won-pyung, the beloved writer of the hot debut ALMOND, which garnered support from over one million readers. The author was inspired to write TUBE after reading a post online, which asked for recommendations for a story in which someone who fails out of bad luck gets back on track towards success, as the poster was in desperately need for such a story. Following the process through which a man who has repeatedly started and failed different business endeavors over the course of 50 years does whatever it takes to pick back up the pieces of his life and attempt to change, TUBE is a heart-wrenching story of struggle, whereby an individual recovers his life by changing in small yet significant ways. “Will I ever have a chance to bounce back from the failures of my life?”A man sets out on a project to reorganize his life after deciding to transform his destinyHere is a man who, after failing in multiple business endeavors, getting in a pile of debt, and drifting apart from his family, has decided to end his life: the middle-aged Kim Sunggon Andrea who has fallen into the bottomless pit of life. After his suicide attempt ends in another failure, the man pauses and looks back on his life. After chancing upon the advertisement copy, “Changing your posture will change your life,” Kim becomes obsessed with this message of “change” and decides to make adjustments to his everyday habits—which surprisingly prompts his life to change. If ALMOND was a coming-of-age story about a boy who feels no emotion but grows into a more mature human being by communicating with people around him, TUBE is about a middle-aged man who attempts to recover his sense of life and his sense of emotion, two things he had lost in the course of his life. Change happens precisely at the moment when everything seems lost. A story about “that something which everyone thinks about and desperately needs but easily forsakes,” TUBE will serve as that singular book for readers in need of change. The experiments of the TUBE project, which will help readers float back to the surface of life, have just begun, just like the “grasping-for-straws project” the book’s main character embarks on in order to share his experience of falling into the abyss of life with others and join others in solidarity. Rooting for every little step forward, TUBE will surely serve as a turning point for every reader who chooses to join its journey.
Changbi Publishers, Inc.. "TUBE", https://changbi.com/BookDetail?bookid=3823. accessed 24 May 2023.
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