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[SLOVENIA]Dnevi poezije in vina scrap download

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Days of Poetry and Wine festival

  • Organization

    Beletrina Academic Press

  • Country


  • Language


  • Period

    2024-08-19 ~ 2024-08-24

  • Place

    Ptuj, Jeruzalem, Petanjci, Ljutomer, Ormož, Juršinci

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About Event

Days of Poetry and Wine, one of the largest and most recognizable international poetry festival in this part of Europe, successfully unites poetry with enology for the past twenty-seven years. Every year in the last warm August days festival hosts over twenty poets from all over the world along with selected domestic winemakers.

This year's festival focuses on South Korea. Korean poets Kim Yideum, Choi Young-Mi, Kim Kyung Ju will take part in a Korean-Slovenian translation workshop in the first days of the festival, in the company of their Slovenian colleagues Natalija Milovanović, Tone Škrjanec and Gregor Podlogar, and translator Kang Taehee.

For upcoming events related to Korean literature, please click on the Calendar of Events below.

* This event/activity has been partially funded by the International Exchange Grants from LTI Korea.  

Calendar of Event

  • 08.19. Mon.


    Days of Poetry and Wine in PETANJCI

    Choi Young-Mi, Kim Kyung Ju, Kim Yideum

  • 08.20. Tue.


    Days of Poetry and Wine in LJUTOMER

    Choi Young-Mi, Kim Kyung Ju, Kim Yideum

  • 08.21. Wed.


    Days of Poetry and Wine in ORMOŽ

    Choi Young-Mi, Kim Kyung Ju, Kim Yideum

  • 08.22. Thu.


    Culinary Rhymes and Cultural Rhythms: A taste of South Korea

    Kim Kyung Ju, Kim Yideum


    Grand Poetry Reading

    Choi Young-Mi

  • 08.23. Fri.


    Echoes of change: Women poets on cultural identity and inclusion

    Choi Young-Mi


    Grand Poetry Reading

    Kim Kyung Ju

  • 08.24. Sat.


    Days of Poetry and Wine in JURŠINCI

    Choi Young-Mi

Letošnji festival v ospredje postavlja Južno Korejo. V goste prihajajo korejski pesniki Kim Yideum, Choi Young-Mi, Kim Kyung Ju, ki bodo v prvih dneh festivala sodelovali na korejsko-slovenski prevajalski delavnici v družbi slovenskih kolegov Natalije Milovanović, Toneta Škrjanca in Gregorja Podlogarja ter prevajalke Kang Taehee.

Za prihajajoče dogodke, povezane s korejsko literaturo, kliknite spodnji Calendar of Events.

Calendar of Event

  • 08.19. Mon.


    Dnevi poezije in vina na PETANJCIH

    Choi Young-Mi, Kim Kyung Ju, Kim Yideum

  • 08.20. Tue.


    Dnevi poezije in vina v LJUTOMERU

    Choi Young-Mi, Kim Kyung Ju, Kim Yideum

  • 08.21. Wed.


    Dnevi poezije in vina v ORMOŽU

    Choi Young-Mi, Kim Kyung Ju, Kim Yideum

  • 08.22. Thu.


    Kulinarične rime in ritem kulture: Okus Južne Koreje

    Kim Kyung Ju, Kim Yideum


    Veliko pesniško branje

    Choi Young-Mi

  • 08.23. Fri.


    Odmevi spremembe: pesnice o kulturni identiteti in vključenosti

    Choi Young-Mi


    Veliko pesniško branje

    Kim Kyung Ju

  • 08.24. Sat.


    Dnevi poezije in vina v JURŠINCIH

    Choi Young-Mi

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