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Literary Fiction 소설
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Adult 성인
Contemporary 현대
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Published in 2016, this collection by Hwang Jungeun introduces eight of her short stories including “Kong’s Garden,” “Who?,” “No One Has Been There,” and “Beijing” which were released between 2012 and 2015. The stories in this collection deal with problematic themes that resonate in contemporary society— alienation and isolation. In the stories “Nobody, Just Myeongsil,” “Who?” and “Kong’s Garden,” the writer relates an aspect of someone’s daily life. whether it is the loneliness of old age, the terror created by the noise of the next-door neighbor, or the expendability of young people who are treated as a dispensable work force by society. In “Beijing,” the writer tackles the problem of people who are forced into emotional labor from the perspective of conflict between the social classes.
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