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Jane, Jaewook, Jaehoon

Jane, Jaewook, Jaehoon scrap

재인, 재욱, 재훈

  • Author

    Chung Serang정세랑

  • Publisher

    EunHaeng NaMu은행나무

  • Year Published


  • Category

    Literary Fiction 순수소설

  • Target User

    Adult 성인

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

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Description 작품 소개

On their way back home from a vacation, three siblings Jane, Jaewook, and Jaehoon suddenly find themselves with supernatural powers after eating noodles with fluorescent clams. As they get frustrated because their powers are too insignificant to be called “supernatural,” each of them receives a message and a parcel telling them to save someone. They start to worry: Jane from Daejeon, where she works as a researcher; Jaewook from a plant construction site in Arabian Desert; and Jaehoon from a goat farm in Georgia, where he studies as an exchange student. Who should they save and how?

In the novel, the author talks about the kindness and warm-heartedness that is getting scarce in today’s society. In a world full of violence and hatred, what can a handful of kind people do for another? From this question, the story of Jane, Jaewook, Jaehoon began.

Through adventures of the three siblings who one day unexpectedly acquires minor superpowers, the author suggests how saving someone is a valuable and important experience for all of us. The fact that at a time of emergency, the one who holds out a helping hand is not some superhero but an ordinary person just like us, shows the author’s deep trust in humankind. Furthermore, what makes the story more heartwarming is that at the end, the one who gets saved is not the one in danger, but the one who sets out to save another.

A story about a meaningless coincidence, insignificant supernatural powers, a small, plain kindness and warm hearts that we come across often.


Support from EunHaeng NaMu

Author Bio 작가 소개

Chung Serang was born in 1984 in Seoul, Korea. She debuted in 2010 with the publication of the story “Dream, Dream, Dream” in the SF fantasy magazine Fantastique. Her writing usually depicts a world in which violence has become an everyday occurrence. Yet, the characters in her novels affirm individual good will and potential of ordinary people, and thus find hope in the end. Chung is the author of seven novels including As Close as This, and School Nurse Ahn Eunyoung and two short story collections: See You on the Rooftop and You Can Have My Voice. She has written the screenplay for School Nurse Files, an upcoming Netflix original series based on School Nurse Ahn Eunyoung. Chung is the recipient of the 2013 Changbi Prize in Fiction and the 2017 Hankook Ilbo Literary Award.

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