한국문학번역원 로고


Ahn Jae-seong

Ahn Jae-seong scrap


  • Category

    Literary Fiction 소설

  • Target User

    Adult 성인

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

Author Bio 작가 소개

Ahn Jae-seong (1960- ) is a South Korean novelist. He began his literary career in 1986 with the publication of his work Dongji (동지 Comrade). Since 1983, he has engaged in the labor movement, and written mostly about laborers and the labor movement. He won the Jeon Tae-il Literary Prize in 1989 for Paeop (파업 Strike).* Paeop (파업 Strike) (1989)* Kyeongseongtroika (경성트로이카 Kyeongseong Troika) (2004)

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Domestic Awards 국내 수상 내역

  • Awarded for the 1989 Jeon Tae-il Literary Prize

Translations 번역서

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