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Gwon Yunju

Gwon Yunju scrap


  • Category

    Webtoon 웹툰

  • Target User

    Adult 성인

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

Author Bio 작가 소개

Gwon Yunju is a South Korean webtoon artist. She began her artistic career in 2011 with the publication of the webtoon series Goyangiege (고양이에게 To Cats), which won her the 24th 30 Millions d`Amis Foundation Literary Award in France in 2006. Her depiction of her daily life with her cats via photographs and webtoon has been drawing in readers who relate to her experiences. Webtoon Goyangiege (고양이에게 To Cats) (2011) Seunoukaesui naega unjeonyojeongida (스노우캣의 내가 운전요정이다 Snowcat’s I’m the Driver Fairy) (2019)

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