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Park Jung Sub

Park Jung Sub scrap


  • Category

    Literary Fiction 순수소설

  • Target User

    Children 아동

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

Author Bio 작가 소개

Park Jung Sub (1979~) is a South Korean children’s writer. Using his rich imagination and fascinating illustrations, he has created several children’s books, including Gamgi geollin mulgogi (감기 걸린 물고기 The Fish with a Cold), Geomeun gangaji (검은 강아지 The Black Dog), Geurimchaek kukingbakseu (그림책 쿠킹박스 Picture Book Cooking Box), Dodugeul jabara! (도둑을 잡아라! Catch the Thief!), Nolja! (놀자! Let`s Play!), and Jjakkkung (짝꿍 The Partner). •Gamgi geollin mulgogi (감기 걸린 물고기 The Fish with a Cold) (2016) •Ttong sijib (똥시집 Poo Poetry collection) (2019)

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