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O Yu-gwon

O Yu-gwon scrap


  • Category

    Literary Fiction 순수소설

  • Target User

    Adult 성인

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

Author Bio 작가 소개

O Yu-gwon (1928-1999) was a South Korean novelist who debuted in 1955 with the short stories “Du nageune” (두 나그네 Two Wanderers) and “Chamwe” (참외 Korean Melons) through Hyundae Munhak. O had a keen interest in the declining world of agriculture, making full use of local dialect to express the tragedies of farmers in novel form, and was known as an agricultural writer. O was awarded the Hyundae Munhak New Writers’ Award (1961) and the Soil Literary Prize (1978). •Short story “Heuk nohada” (흙 노하다 “Soil Becomes Outraged”) (1965) •Short story “Nongjijeongni” (농지정리 “Cleaning the Farmland”) (1970) •Short story “Nonjisanghanseon” (농지상한선 “Farmland Limitation Line”) (1982) •Short story “Mokwachonui saedaek” (목화촌의 새댁 “The New Bride at the Cotton Farm”) (1988)

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