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Lee Kyung-hye scrap


  • Category

    Literary Fiction 순수소설

  • Target User

    Adult 성인

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

Author Bio 작가 소개

Lee Kyung-hye (1960-) is a South Korean novelist to debuted through the Munwha Ilbo New Writer’s Contest in 1992. Lee examines the realities and suffering of young people in both regular novels and children’s books, taking a warm perspective on young people as they face the problems in their world. Lee’s 2001 children’s book Majimak bakjwi gongju migaya (마지막 박쥐 공부 미가야 Migaya the Last Bat Princess) was awarded the Baeksang Publication Prize for children’s publications. •Children’s book Majimak bakjwi gongju migaya (마지막 박쥐 공부 미가야 Migaya the Last Bat Princess) (2001) •Novel Eoneunal naega jugeoseumnida (어느날 내가 죽었습니다 One Day, I Died) (2004)

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