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Kim Wu-kyung

Kim Wu-kyung scrap


  • Category

    Literary Fiction 순수소설

  • Target User

    Children 아동

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

Author Bio 작가 소개

Kim Wu-kyung is a South Korean children’s writer who debuted in 1989 through MBC Busan’s New Writers’ Contest. Kim’s published works include Pulbichilgi (풀빛일기 Grass-Colored Journal), Uriapateu (우리아파트 The Uri Apartment Complex), and Suiriwa Suiri (수일이와 수일이 Suil and Suil). •Children’s book Suiriwa Suiri (수일이와 수일이 Suil and Suil) (2001) •Children’s book Seondeullaeneun ajikdo heureune (선들내는 아직도 흐르네 The Seondeul Stream Still Flows) (2004)

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