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Kim Kwangsub

Kim Kwangsub scrap


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    Adult 성인

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    Modern 근대

Author Bio 작가 소개

Kim Kwangsup (1904-1977) was a South Korean poet who translated and published 現代英吉利詩壇 on Samcheolli in 1933 and debuted in the same year through Shin Dong-A with the poem “Gae inneun punggyeong” (개 있는 풍경 Landscape With Dog). Kim wrote in resistance to Japanese rule and wrote on nationalism and patriotism. Following Korea’s liberation from Japanese rule, he published works that detailed the divide between humanity and civilization in a lyrical manner. •Poetry collection Haebaragi (해바라기 Sunflower) (1957) •Poetry collection Seongbukdong bidulgi (성북동 비둘기 The Seongbuk-dong Pigeon) (1966)

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