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Song Uhye

Song Uhye scrap


  • Category

    Literary Fiction 순수소설

  • Target User

    Adult 성인

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

Author Bio 작가 소개

Song Uhye (1947~) is a South Korean novelist. She made her literary debut in 1980 by publishing the short story 단편소설 “Seong yagobui ssaum” (성 야곱의 싸움 The Battle of St. Jacob) in The Dong-a Ilbo. Song has taken a steady interest in historical fiction, and delicately depicts human life and emotions through portraits of contemporary society. •Short story collection Namdohaeng (남도행 To Namdo) (1985), •Short story collection Nuni keun ssireumkkun iyagi (눈이 큰 씨름꾼 이야기 The Story of a Wrestler with Big Eyes) (1988)

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