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Choung Myung Seob

Choung Myung Seob scrap


  • Category

    Literary Fiction 순수소설

  • Target User

    Adult 성인

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

Author Bio 작가 소개

Choung Myung Seob (1973~) is a South Korean novelist. His writing career began in 2006 with the publication of the novel Jeokpae (적폐), a new interpretation of General Ulji Mundok. Jung takes a new look at various historical figures using his imagination, and reconstructs their stories in the mystery and thriller genres. He has co-authored a number of books with other writers, such as Hangukchuriseurilleodanpyeonseon (한국추리스릴러단편선 Korean Mystery Thriller Short Story Collection) (2008), which includes his short story “Burui sarin” (불의 살인 Murder by Fire). •Novel Yupumjeongnisa (유품정리사 Organizing Articles Left by the Deceased) (2019) •Novel Joseonui hyeongsadeul (조선의 형사들 Joseon’s Detectives) (2021)

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