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E Jisung

E Jisung scrap



  • Category

    Essay 수필

  • Target User

    Adult 성인

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

Author Bio 작가 소개

E Jisung has been writing since 1993. He has published more than thirty books in various fields such as education, self-improvement, and humanities. His works include The Attic Full of Dreams, Lead by Reading, Eight, Eight:Think, Thinking Humanities, Twenty Years Old, Never Lose, Japanese, and Korean. His books have been translated and published in the United States, China, Taiwan, Japan, Vietnam, and Indonesia. “In March of my twentieth year, I dreamed of becoming a writer. When everyone around me ignored and laughed at me, the books in the library supported my dream. Fourteen years later, I wrote The Dreaming Attic to share with the world the R=VD that all dreamers have in common. It went from bestseller to bestseller, but it wasn't always that way. But I never gave up. Instead, I dreamed more vividly. And my dream to become a bestselling author came true at an amazing pace.” He has over 200k followers on YouTube and one of important political/ humanity writer in Korea.

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