Lee Byeng-Ju
Lee Byengju (李炳注, 2921-1992) was a South Korean novelist and journalist. He was known for his faithful retellings of modern Korean history based on thorough research and investigation. Lee was known as the “Balzac of Korea”[1] and published a significant number of works, but was not given recognition in proportion to the quality of his work.[2] He began his literary career in July of 1965 with the short story SoseolᆞAlexandria (소설ᆞ알렉산드리아 Alexandria: the Story)[3], which was published in Sede. Other works by Lee include the epic novel Jirisan (지리산 Jirisan Mountain) (1972-1978)[4]. He was the recipient of the Korean Literature Writers’ Prize, the Korea Creative Literature Award, the Korean Literary Writers’ Prize, and the PEN Korea Literary Prize.