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LEE Gyungtak

LEE Gyungtak scrap


  • Category

    Graphic Novel 그래픽 노블

  • Target User

    Adult 성인

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

Author Bio 작가 소개

LEE Gyungtak began his career in 2006. Tteokbokki won the idea prize at the 1st SICAF Daum Webtoon competition. He published Alice on the Asphalt in 2030 Comics, Korea's first comic series for convenience stores, and later became popular for his story Detective Gito, a manga about a Korean detective, in Japan's Playcomic. In 2012, he was awarded the Grand Prix for the story of 'Bone Necromancer' in the Japanese monthly Heroes Contest voting. He is currently in charge of the Leviathan - Deep Water story since 2018.

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