Published in 2010, this collection by Bae Suah introduces eight of her short stories including “First Snow, First Sight,” “Owl,” “North Station,” and “Weary Night.” With a characteristically unique sensibility and language, Bae has been recognized as one of the most important writers in contemporary Korean literature, and in this collection, she brings out layers of the inner workings of people. Her characters include a man who is reminded by things of the people from his past and present, and a nihilistic painter who exchanges letters about his dreams and writings. The stories weave reality and fantasy, blurring the boundary between the two.
Bae is known for her use of abrupt shifts in tense and perspective, sensitive yet straightforward expressions, and seemingly non sequitur sentences to unsettle and distance her readers. Bae’s works offer neither the reassurance of moral conventions upheld, nor the consolation of adversities rendered meaningful.
배수아는 자기만의 독특한 문체와 스타일을 가진 작가다. 배수아의 소설은 느슨한 인간관계들과 권태, 삶의 이면에 놓인 불안과 파멸의 징후에 대해 다루고 있다. 배수아의 소설 세계는 낯설지만 매혹적이라는 평가를 받았다.
There are no expectations.