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The Seven Eyes of Cats

The Seven Eyes of Cats scrap

일곱 개의 고양이 눈

#Novel #Anthology

  • Author

    Choi Jae-hoon최제훈

  • Publisher


  • Year Published


  • Category

    Literary Fiction 순수소설

  • Target User

    Adult 성인

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

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Description 작품 소개

Published in 2011, this novel by Choi Jae-hoon is divided into four independent chapters: “The Sixth Dream,” “The Equation of Revenge,” “π,” and “The Seven Eyes of Cats.” In the first chapter of this fantasy and thriller novel, a group of people inadvertently find themselves in a survival game in a setting which blurs the boundary between the real and the surreal, a theme which continues throughout the novel. The writer has been praised for his ability to subvert and twist the novel’s narrative with tight connections between each plot and storyline.

Author Bio 작가 소개

Choi Jae-hoon (최제훈; born 1973) is a South Korean writer. Choi Jae-hoon was born in Seoul and graduated from Yonsei University's Department of Business Administration and Seoul Institute of the Arts' Department of Creative Writing. He made his debut in 2007 with the short story “The Castle of Baron Curval,” which won the Literature and Society New Literature Award.

Translations 번역서

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