This novel by Kim Hoon was published in 2011. It follows Jeong Yakjeon and Hwang Sayeong, real-life intellectual figures who revolted against traditional Joseon society in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. The author depicts their desire for a new world modeled on Catholicism, and their frustrations with the traditional Neo-Confucian social order.
Kim Hoon (born 1948) is a South Korean novelist, journalist and critic. Though he became a fiction writer at a relatively late age, Kim writes with flair and the dexterity of a seasoned novelist. Grounded in his journalistic background, his writing style is polished and unsentimental, and Kim crafts his sentences masterfully to infuse lyrical rhythm to his work without sacrificing clarity and poise.
김훈(1948~)은 대한민국의 소설가다. 김훈은 당대의 현실을 대상으로 한 작품과 한국 현대사는 물론이고, 장대한 역사와 역사 속의 개인을 소재로 삼은 소설을 주로 발표해오고 있다. 작가는 일상적인 인물과 사건을 주로 다루며, 인간 개개인의 역사에서 현실의 문제를 환기한다.
There are no expectations.