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Woodcutter and Tiger Brother scrap

The Woodcutter and Tiger Brother

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Description 작품 소개

A woodcutter outwits the horrible tiger by making him believe that he is woodcutter's older brother who used to be a human. The tiger shows his dutifulness to his human mother by bringing gifts in her backyard and later follows to die after her death. This book has been translated into German as well as into English so that Children of the world could share the joy of reading it together. German / Published by HPT, Vien / ISBN 3-7004-3810-9 The story Woodcutter and Tiger Brother shows us the spirit of Korean people filled with courage and wit. It also tells us that "filial piety", or faithfulness to parents, is the prime virtue of Korean people in which human being and even a tiger believed in their spirits. Reference : Hollym. "Woodcutter and Tiger Brother", accessed 25 Oct 2023.

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