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Sweet Potato scrap

Sweet Potato: Collected Short Stories by Kim Tongin

  • Author(s)

    Kim Dongin김동인

  • Translator(s)

  • Publisher

    Honford StarHonford Star

  • Country


  • Language


  • Year Published


  • Target User

  • Period

Description 작품 소개

Kim Tongin (1900-1951) is one of Korea’s earliest and most respected modern writers whose naturalist fiction brilliantly depicts Korean life during a period of profound social change. Namesake of the prestigious Dong-in Literary Award, Kim Tongin’s succinct writing style can still inspire readers and provide insight into early 20th century Korea over 60 years after his death. Finally, a volume of Kim Tongin’s short stories, most of them previously untranslated, is available to readers of English. Reference : Honford Star. "Sweet Potato", accessed 25 Oct 2023.

Author Bio 작가 소개

Kim Tongin (1900-1951) is one of Korea’s earliest and most respected modern writers whose naturalist fiction brilliantly depicts Korean life during a period of profound social change. Namesake of the prestigious Dong-in Literary Award, Kim Tongin’s succinct writing style can still inspire readers and provide insight into early 20th century Korea over 60 years after his death. Finally, a volume of Kim Tongin’s short stories, most of them previously untranslated, is available to readers of English. Reference : Honford Star. "Sweet Potato", accessed 25 Oct 2023.

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