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The House with a Sunken Courtyard scrap

The House with a Sunken Courtyard


  • Author(s)

    Kim Won il김원일

  • Translator(s)

  • Publisher


  • Country


  • Language


  • Year Published


  • Category

    Literary Fiction 순수소설

  • Target User

    Adult 성인

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

Description 작품 소개

An occasionallyterrifying and always vivid portrayal of what it was like to live as a refugeeimmediately after the end of the Korean War. This novel is based on theauthor’s own experience in his early teens in Daegu, in 1954, and depicts sixfamilies that survive the hard times together in the same house, weathering thetiny conflicts of interest and rivalries that spring up in such close quarters,but nonetheless offering one another sympathy and encouragement as fellow sufferersof the same national misfortune: brothers and sisters in privation. Reference : DALKEY ARCHIVE. "The House with a Sunken Courtyard", accessed 24 Oct 2023.

Author Bio 작가 소개

An occasionallyterrifying and always vivid portrayal of what it was like to live as a refugeeimmediately after the end of the Korean War. This novel is based on theauthor’s own experience in his early teens in Daegu, in 1954, and depicts sixfamilies that survive the hard times together in the same house, weathering thetiny conflicts of interest and rivalries that spring up in such close quarters,but nonetheless offering one another sympathy and encouragement as fellow sufferersof the same national misfortune: brothers and sisters in privation. Reference : DALKEY ARCHIVE. "The House with a Sunken Courtyard", accessed 24 Oct 2023.

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