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Kuunmong scrap

The Nine Cloud Dream

  • Author(s)

    Kim Man Jung김만중

  • Translator(s)

  • Publisher

    Kurodahan PressKurodahan Press

  • Country


  • Language


  • Year Published


  • Target User

  • Period

Description 작품 소개

The Cloud Dream of the Nine (Kuunmong) is a 17th century Korean novel set in 9th century China. On the surface it is an entertaining tale of a young man who travels through two lifetimes accompanied by eight beautiful maidens; at its core, it is philosophical novel about Buddhism and Confucianism. The author, Kim Manjung, wrote the novel while in exile, reputedly to console his mother. The result has pleased thousands of readers in the following ages. Reference : Kurodahan Press. "Kuunmong", accessed 24 Oct 2023.

Author Bio 작가 소개

The Cloud Dream of the Nine (Kuunmong) is a 17th century Korean novel set in 9th century China. On the surface it is an entertaining tale of a young man who travels through two lifetimes accompanied by eight beautiful maidens; at its core, it is philosophical novel about Buddhism and Confucianism. The author, Kim Manjung, wrote the novel while in exile, reputedly to console his mother. The result has pleased thousands of readers in the following ages. Reference : Kurodahan Press. "Kuunmong", accessed 24 Oct 2023.

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