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Korean Children's Favorite Stories scrap

Korean Children's Favorite Stories

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    Tuttle PublishingTuttle Publishing

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Description 작품 소개

This colorfully illustrated multicultural Korean children's book presents Korean fairy tales and other folk stories--providing insight into a vibrant literary culture. Korean Children's Favorite Stories is a captivating collection of Korean folktales for children which are still being told, just as they have been for generations. Some are Korean-specific, while others echo those told in other countries. Written with wit and pathos, they unveil the inevitable foibles of people everywhere and expose the human-like qualities of animals and the animal-like qualities of humans. These Korean fables pulsate with the rhythm of life and the seasons, transporting the reader to a wonderland where ants talk, a baby rabbit outwits a tiger, a tree fathers a child, and a toad saves a whole village. Reference : Tuttle Publishing. "Korean Children's Favorite Stories", accessed 23 Oct 2023.

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