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Love for Imperfect Things scrap

Love for Imperfect Things

  • Author(s)


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  • Year Published


  • Category

    Essay 수필

  • Target User

    Adult 성인

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

Description 작품 소개

A beautiful, much-needed guide for learning to love ourselves - imperfections and all - from the author of the internationally bestselling The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down No one is perfect. But that doesn't stop us from imagining how much happier we'd be if we were smarter, funnier, richer, or thinner. But what if being yourself is enough? Love for Imperfect Things, by the bestselling Korean monk Haemin Sunim, shows how the path to happiness and peace of mind starts with letting go of worries about ourselves. With chapters on self-compassion, courage, healing, and acceptance, as well as beautiful full-colour illustrations, Sunim teaches us to embrace our flaws rather than trying to overcome them. Just as on airplanes we're told to put on our own mask, we must first be at peace with ourselves before we can make peace with the world around us. Reference : PENGUIN BOOKS. "Love for Imperfect Things", accessed 18 Oct 2023.

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