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Divorce scrap

  • Author(s)

    Kim Soom김숨

  • Translator(s)

  • Publisher

    Strangers PressStrangers Press

  • Country


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  • Year Published


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Description 작품 소개

A poet reflects on the lives of the different generations of women around her as she contemplates her own divorce from a socially-engaged photographer; her feelings are complicated by the ethics of public/private, art/life divisions, as well as the countrys contemporary history. The story reveals the raw complexity of gender dynamics in a society still hobbled by the demands forced on its people through war and ideology and rapid modernization; it is a good reminder of the different feminisms that do and must exist.  Reference : Strangers Press. "Divorce", accessed 18 Oct 2023.

Author Bio 작가 소개

A poet reflects on the lives of the different generations of women around her as she contemplates her own divorce from a socially-engaged photographer; her feelings are complicated by the ethics of public/private, art/life divisions, as well as the countrys contemporary history. The story reveals the raw complexity of gender dynamics in a society still hobbled by the demands forced on its people through war and ideology and rapid modernization; it is a good reminder of the different feminisms that do and must exist.  Reference : Strangers Press. "Divorce", accessed 18 Oct 2023.

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