한국문학번역원 로고


Tower scrap



  • Author(s)

    Bae Myung-hoon배명훈

  • Translator(s)

  • Publisher

    Honford StarHonford Star

  • Country


  • Language


  • Year Published


  • Category

  • Target User

    Adult 성인

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

Description 작품 소개

Tower is a series of interconnected stories set in Beanstalk, a 674-story skyscraper and sovereign nation. Each story deals with how citizens living in the hypermodern high-rise deal with various influences of power in their lives: a group of researchers have to tell their boss that a major powerbroker is a dog, a woman uses the power of the internet to rescue a downed fighter pilot abandoned by the government, and an out-of-towner finds himself in charge of training a gentle elephant to break up protests. Bae explores the forces that shape modern life with wit and a sly wink at the reader. Reference: Honford Star. "Tower" Honford Star, accessed 10 Jan 2023.

Author Bio 작가 소개

Tower is a series of interconnected stories set in Beanstalk, a 674-story skyscraper and sovereign nation. Each story deals with how citizens living in the hypermodern high-rise deal with various influences of power in their lives: a group of researchers have to tell their boss that a major powerbroker is a dog, a woman uses the power of the internet to rescue a downed fighter pilot abandoned by the government, and an out-of-towner finds himself in charge of training a gentle elephant to break up protests. Bae explores the forces that shape modern life with wit and a sly wink at the reader. Reference: Honford Star. "Tower" Honford Star, accessed 10 Jan 2023.

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