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Greenhouse at the end of the earth

Greenhouse at the end of the earth scrap

지구 끝의 온실


  • Author

    Kim Choyeop김초엽

  • Publisher


  • Year Published


  • Category

    Genre Fiction 장르소설

  • Target User

    Adult 성인

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

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Description 작품 소개

Kim Cho-yeop’s first full-length novel, a story everyone has been eagerly waiting for.

Kim Cho-yeop, who has earned a wide and devoted readership from her first book Uriga bichui sokdoro gal su eopdamyeon (If We Can’t Go at the Speed of Light), has set the stage for her first full-length novel in a post-apocalyptic world doomed by dust particles called “Dust”. Kim spent over half a year revising the story that she had published on a serialization platform late last year, making it more refined.

With newly constructed chapters, detailed scenes, and polished sentences, Jigu kkeutui onsil (Greenhouse at the End of the Earth) will finally be available to readers in August 2021.

“The Devil's Plant is growing in my garden. Isn’t this an omen of doom?”

The place where vines are sprawling out and a mysterious story hidden is inside.

The novel is divided into three chapters. The first chapter, “Mossvana,” revolves around Ayeong, a plant ecologist at the Dust Ecology Research Center in 2129. Ayeong is fascinated by the slow yet far-reaching growth of plants and the astonishing vitality and mysterious stories they hold. This passion led her to pursue a career in plant ecology. Although she remains committed to her scientific principles as a researcher, she secretly indulges her fondness for urban legends and explores a website called Stranger Tales in her leisure time.

One day, Ayeong hears news that a vine known as Mossvana is growing at a suspiciously fast rate and causing a problem in the ruined city of Haewol. When she learns about the sightings of a mysterious blue light in the city, she recalls a scene she once saw in the garden of an elderly neighbor, Heesu Lee, during her childhood. It was a midnight scene of an overgrown garden with enchanting blue light floating in the air. Why did Mossvana suddenly start spreading uncontrollably, and what is the mysterious blue light?

While collecting and analyzing Mossvana, Ayeong seeks out someone with a good knowledge of the plant through Stranger Tales. Eventually, she encounters Amara and Naomi, sisters who have been called the “Witches of Langano” for their use of Mossvana as a medicinal herb during the Age of Dust. Ayeong is determined to hear their story.

“How on earth does a place like this exist?

I thought everyone had died. Outside the dome, I thought everyone was dead.”

A hidden greenhouse, the sole refuge in a doomed world.

In the second chapter, “Prim Village,” the reader is introduced to Naomi, a young girl wandering through the world devastated by Dust in the year 2058. Dust accompanied by crimson haze kills everything alive instantly. In order to survive, people built cities under domes, resorting to murder without hesitation to maintain their cities. Naomi, who has been hunted and tormented for experiments due to her blood which is immune to Dust, heads to the forest with her older sister Amara in search of a rumored refuge.

Finally, the sisters reach Prim Village, where people live exposed to the rain and wind without the protection of a dome. The village pursued no grand ideology or cause. It has been simply sustained by the dedicated labor of its inhabitants. Atop a hill, there is a greenhouse accessible only to the leader, Jisu, where a botanist named Rachel cultivates crops and produces Dust decomposers that also sustain the village. Naomi gradually becomes immersed in this incredibly vibrant forest village.However, peace could not last forever. As invaders appear at Prim Village, Jisu distributes the prepared plants to the villagers and tells them to leave and build another Prim Village by planting them outside the forest. As she leaves the village, Naomi cannot shake the feeling that her heart may forever remain attached to this place.


Reference: Giantbooks. "Greenhouse at the end of the earth", accessed 26 May 2023.

Author Bio 작가 소개

Kim Choyeop (born 1993) is a South Korean writer. Kim launched her literary career in 2017 when two of her stories, "Irretrievable" and "If We Can’t Go at the Speed of Light" won the grand and runner-up prizes respectively at the 2017 Korean SF Awards. She then went on to win the Today’s Writer Award in 2019. Her debut short story collection, "If We Can’t Go at the Speed of Light", was a record-breaking bestseller in South Korea and has been released in Japanese and Chinese. One of the stories from the book, "Symbiosis Theory", has also been published in Clarkesworld.

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