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現場鑑證 scrap

Seoul Copycat

#Thriller #Copycat #Murder #inspection

  • Author(s)

    Lee Jong-kwan이종관

  • Translator(s)

  • Publisher

    高寶Go Books

  • Country


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  • Year Published


  • Category

    Genre Fiction 장르소설

  • Target User

    Adult 성인

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

Description 작품 소개

A person who has lost his memory As a graduate of the elite Korean National Police University, Inspector Lee Su-in is the only person who knows the identity of the serial killer. But while tracking him down, he loses his vision and memory to due to burns. So, he seeks for help of Detective Han Ji-su to analyze the crime scene and catch the serial killer he’s tracking. Inspector Lee looks into the murders committed by the serial killer, trying to remember how he designed his way to get the culprit before he lost the memory. The serial killer with a message Kim Hyeon, now assigned to the investigation of a murder that has gone nowhere, works as a criminal profiler to prove the crimes committed by the suspects. However, the justice system always ends up taking sides with suspects, who walk away scotfree due to insufficient evidence when he is so sure that they are the culprits. Being angry at the fact that the police and the court are unable to punish criminals, he wants to punish them with his own hands. Kim Hyeon begins to kill the criminals who were found not guilty by using the same criminal method that they used. The emerging truth Chief Detective Oh Dae-yeong assigns Ji-su and Su-in to the mission of bringing Kim Hyeon, the serial killer, to trial. From the three crime scene investigations and the way people around him treat him, Su-in infers that he himself may be Kim Hyeon. He acts as if he remembered the past murders when he actually doesn’t. Investigating the crimes, which may have been committed by no one other than himself, he rather feels at peace thinking that he will be sentenced to capital punishment in the court. The true copycat As a matter of fact, Ji-Su’s job was to help Su-in to recover his memory and make him believe that he is Kim Hyeon. However, she knows that even though he finished the crime scene investigation for all cases, he has not recovered his memory and made a false confession that he is the culprit. This whole process was designed by Ji-su to make people believe that Su-in has recovered his memory. On the orders of Chief Detective Oh Dae-yeong, Ji-su was told to bring Su-in(Kim Hyeon) to trial even if that requires her to tell lies to him. However, at the end, Lee Suin recovers his memory for real. When this happens, Han Ji-su begins to think of other possibilities. She thinks Su-in may not be the real crimianl, but he was just happened to be found at the scene, trying to save the suspect of the arson. With this idea in mind, Ji-su joins forces with Su-in to go after the real crimianl. Reference: GOZKNOCKENT. "현장검증" GOZNOCKENT, accessed 23 Nov 2022.

Author Bio 작가 소개

A person who has lost his memory As a graduate of the elite Korean National Police University, Inspector Lee Su-in is the only person who knows the identity of the serial killer. But while tracking him down, he loses his vision and memory to due to burns. So, he seeks for help of Detective Han Ji-su to analyze the crime scene and catch the serial killer he’s tracking. Inspector Lee looks into the murders committed by the serial killer, trying to remember how he designed his way to get the culprit before he lost the memory. The serial killer with a message Kim Hyeon, now assigned to the investigation of a murder that has gone nowhere, works as a criminal profiler to prove the crimes committed by the suspects. However, the justice system always ends up taking sides with suspects, who walk away scotfree due to insufficient evidence when he is so sure that they are the culprits. Being angry at the fact that the police and the court are unable to punish criminals, he wants to punish them with his own hands. Kim Hyeon begins to kill the criminals who were found not guilty by using the same criminal method that they used. The emerging truth Chief Detective Oh Dae-yeong assigns Ji-su and Su-in to the mission of bringing Kim Hyeon, the serial killer, to trial. From the three crime scene investigations and the way people around him treat him, Su-in infers that he himself may be Kim Hyeon. He acts as if he remembered the past murders when he actually doesn’t. Investigating the crimes, which may have been committed by no one other than himself, he rather feels at peace thinking that he will be sentenced to capital punishment in the court. The true copycat As a matter of fact, Ji-Su’s job was to help Su-in to recover his memory and make him believe that he is Kim Hyeon. However, she knows that even though he finished the crime scene investigation for all cases, he has not recovered his memory and made a false confession that he is the culprit. This whole process was designed by Ji-su to make people believe that Su-in has recovered his memory. On the orders of Chief Detective Oh Dae-yeong, Ji-su was told to bring Su-in(Kim Hyeon) to trial even if that requires her to tell lies to him. However, at the end, Lee Suin recovers his memory for real. When this happens, Han Ji-su begins to think of other possibilities. She thinks Su-in may not be the real crimianl, but he was just happened to be found at the scene, trying to save the suspect of the arson. With this idea in mind, Ji-su joins forces with Su-in to go after the real crimianl. Reference: GOZKNOCKENT. "현장검증" GOZNOCKENT, accessed 23 Nov 2022.

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