Author Bio 작가 소개
Son Bo-mi debuted in 2009 when she received the Twenty-First Century journal’s New Writer’s Award and launched a full-fledged literary career in 2011 when she won the DongA Ilbo Spring Literature Contest. She has authored the short story collections Bringing Them the Lindy Hop, Elegant Nights and Cats, The Dream of Love, and Manhattan Fireflies, the novella The God of Coincidence, the novels Dear Ralph Lauren and Little Village, Children of Disappeared Forest, and the essay Everybody Lies. She has received the Munhakdongne Young Writers’ Award, Hankook Ilbo Literary Award, the Kim Junseong Literary Award, the Daesan Literary Award, and Yi Sang Literary Award, etc.
2009년 21세기문학 신인상과 2011년 동아일보 신춘문예를 통해 작품 활동을 시작했다. 소설집 『그들에게 린디합을』, 『우아한 밤과 고양이들』, 『사랑의 꿈』, 짧은 소설 『맨해튼의 반딧불이』, 중편소설 『우연의 신』, 장편소설 『디어 랄프 로렌』, 『작은 동네』, 『사라진 숲의 아이들』, 에세이 『아무튼 미드』 등이 있다. 젊은작가상, 한국일보문학상, 김준성문학상, 대산문학상, 이상문학상 등을 수상했다.
There are no expectations.