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Lady Coroner in Joseon

Lady Coroner in Joseon scrap

한성부, 달 밝은 밤에

  • Author

    Yi-sak Kim김이삭

  • Publisher


  • Year Published


  • Category

    Literary Fiction 순수소설

  • Target User

    Adult 성인

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

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Description 작품 소개

Six bodies are found in a cave on Mt. Mokmyeok, each with a different cause of death. A-ran, the coroner of Joseon, looks into this mysterious serial murder.

A-ran with a wounded heart becomes a coroner

A-ran pretends to be an illegitimate daughter of the mayor of Hanseongbu(presentday Seoul) who is actually her mortal enemy that killed her parents. Seeking revenge, she becomes a coroner to collect evidence, and examines bodies day and night to determine the causes of death. One day, an incident plunges the entire city in terror—six bodies are found in a burning cave on Mt. Mokmyeok. A-ran investigates the case with Yun-o, the inspector from Saheonbu(Office of Inspector General), and Han-seok, the judge from the Office of Hanyang, but the truth is still veiled. Later, one of the bodies turns out to be that of Heo-cheong, the only son of the minister of war. Now, all eyes turn to the capital. A-ran risks her identity being revealed to focus on the investigation and realizes that Heo-cheong is the key figure of the incident.

Rumor and truth of the Mt. Mokmyeok incident

While the investigation goes through a difficult period amid the silence of the bereaved and those involved, a strange rumor spreads throughout Hanyang that there is a puppet show about the murderer. A-ran, who has reached a dead end, immediately heads out to Mt. Mokmyeok, where the show was performed. There she learns that Heo-cheong used Seungyeosa(an affiliated institution under the Ministry of War) to commit human trafficking and killed the rest of the five victims. She quickly heads backstage to see the performer, but the area is already empty. That is when she is hit on the head and passes out.

One who tries to conceal and the one who tries to reveal

The Minister of War tries to get rid of all the evidence and the witnesses to hide his son’s crime, and for some reason, the mayor

cooperates. A-ran fights to unveil the truth and bring justice, but instead, faces a severe crisis. In truth, the mayor had his own agenda when he accepted her as his illegitimate daughter, and now, she is no-longer of any use to him. She is soon placed on the wanted list, and it is the mayor himself who framed her for the murder.

Truth behind the truth

A-ran visits King Sejong to report the false charge. She successfully proves her innocence with physical evidence and witnesses, and the king orders to arrest the Minister and the Mayor. However, A-ran has yet to prove that the mayor killed her parents. While experiencing a conflict of interest between personal revenge and legal punishment, she finds out that the person who has been pulling the puppet string was the person who killed Heo-cheong, someone she has never imagined. The truth is out there now. Can she still maintain her faith?



Author Bio 작가 소개

An ordinary citizen, translator, and novelist. Yi-sak Kim embarked on her literary career after receiving an excellence award at the Golden Bough’s 1st Urban Fantasy Contest. Kim holds a keen interest in history, women, mysterious events, and monstrous creatures, aiming to weave narratives that restore erased voices.

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