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Black Cat, the Problem Solver 5: Light Up the Convenience Store

Black Cat, the Problem Solver 5: Light Up the Convenience Store scrap

고양이 해결사 깜냥 5: 편의점을 환하게 밝혀라!


  • Author

    Hong Min-jung홍민정

  • Publisher

    Changbi Publishers창비

  • Year Published


  • Category

    Literary Fiction 순수소설

  • Target User

    Children 아동

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

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Description 작품 소개

Black Cat's taken charge of the convenience store!

Who's the new face, though?

The irresistible Black Cat returns this time for a stint at the convenience store. Black Cat is as capable as always, tackling his duties like a pro, but the fun really begins when he is joined by a cat of another color. The other cat, a perpetual yawner, turns out to know everything about the neighborhood people and what goes on at the store. Sharing is caring!Goodbye fears, hello courage.

There's another cat in town in Black Cat, the Problem Solver 5: Light Up the Convenience Store. Black Cat's polar opposite in every way, Yawny is wise to the ways of the neighborhood but is extremely cautious and wary of strangers. Black Cat, who usually enjoys his own company, finds himself drawn to Yawny. Black Cat helps Yawny to overcome her shyness, while Yawny teaches Black Cat that it's okay to lean on others, too. True friendship is a rare thing: while he travels fastest who travels alone, traveling with a friend can open up even more paths. Black Cat and Yawny's friendship is sure to inspire young readers with good friends of their own.

Satisfaction guaranteed!

The feelgood effect of a feline-staffed convenience store.All kinds of customers come to the convenience store, where they sell a little of everything. Young or old, Black Cat treats them all with equal respect. He stocks the shelves and helps an old lady who doesn't know what she wants select some tasty snacks. Black Cat and Yawny even save a surprise birthday party without candles from disappointment, preparing a special gift for the birthday child. The feline friends spread joy and laughter wherever they go: even the store manager, who was too busy for hobbies, is able to relax thanks to them. The kindhearted cats embody the power of goodness and caring for others, showing how it can be as much fun to give gifts as to receive them, how food tastes better when shared with friends. One doesn't need many words to share such happiness as this fifth volume of the series provides in spades.

List of Series: - Black Cat, the Problem Solver 1 - Black Cat, the Problem Solver 2 - Black Cat, the Problem Solver 3 - Black Cat, the Problem Solver 4


Support from Changbi Publishers, Inc.

Author Bio 작가 소개

In 2012, through the Jeonnam Ilbo New Writer's Contest, she became a fairy tale writer. Among the books she has written are "Black Cate Ggamnyang the Problem Solver," "The Worry Laundry(Tentative name)," "Everyone Smiling at the Funeral(Tentative name)," and "The Arrival of the Green Father(Tentative name)."

Translator`s Expectations 기대평

There are no expectations.

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